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Overflow:auto and gaps in Chrome, Safari and Opera

I hit this issue building this website and can’t find much about it anywhere else.

This manifests itself where a floated column of fixed width is adjacent to a fluid column to which overflow:auto (commonly used to clear floats) has been applied. So my example html:

<div id="left"></div>
<div id="right"></div>
…complex stuff…. and my css:

Now in IE6 (if we’ve fixed the 3px issue), IE7, IE8, FF and Opera 11 the page looks fine:

Test page in FF3 - no gaps

But in Chrome and Safari 4/5 it looks like this, with a big gap on the right:

Test page in Safari 4 - gap on the right

And in Opera 9 and 10 the gap’s on the left like this:

Test page in Opera9 - gap on the left

It seems that Safari, plus older versions of Opera and Chrome introduce a gap equivalent to the width of the floated element, #left. If #right is assigned a fixed width, the problem goes away, there’s no gap. However, removing overflow:auto and using another method of clearing floats is the only other solution if I want #right to remain fluid. Interesting that this appears to have been “fixed” in Opera 11, and somewhere between Chrome 3 and Chrome 19.

I’m not sure which browser is correct here, or even if there is a “correct”.

Do please send me a comment if you have anything to contribute to this.

I’ve created a demo page here, if you want to see this for yourself.

Thanks to Benkus for his comment suggesting including an additional div within the element – so the outer div has the fluid width and the inner div has overflow:auto – you can see this on the demo as well

5 responses to “Overflow:auto and gaps in Chrome, Safari and Opera”

  1. Andy says:

    Thanks, Benkus and Simon, you just saved me a ton of time…

  2. Simon says:

    Thanks – adding an additional div does solve the problem. In my example at least it does not require the width and height properties.

  3. Benkus says:

    So, you have to place another “div” inside the “div” which you want to give the overflow attribute. Give that like this: “width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto;” and leave the parent alone with that. I’ve had the same problem, now it’s fixed. =)

  4. Simon says:

    Hi Sinmok

    I’ve not found a way of getting overflow:auto to work in Chrome/Safari without causing this issue. The only solution is to clear floats in a different manner, such as using the clearfix method.

  5. Sinmok says:

    I have this exact same problem with chrome. Did you manage to figure out a solution?

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