Spent some time yesterday including Instagram posts on one of my websites (this one if you’re interested). In order to get this going you need to use cURL, run from a command line, which was new to me. Windows 10 and later allows you to do this from Powershell, but I had to mess around a bit before it works, so here goes if anyone else needs this.
To start off you need to create an Instagram App. The Instagram instructions here are fine, so I won’t go through that.
My trouble started at Step 5 – ‘Exchange the Code for a Token’. Instagram gives this example code:
curl -X POST \ http://api.instagram.com/oauth/access_token \ -F client_id=684477648739411 \ -F client_secret=eb8c7... \ -F grant_type=authorization_code \ -F redirect_uri=http://yoursite.com/auth/ \ -F code=AQDp3TtBQQ...
…but this needs amending to use in Powershell, to:
curl.exe '-X' 'POST' 'http://api.instagram.com/oauth/access_token' '-F' 'client_id=684477648739411' '-F' 'client_secret=eb8c713c492d1f9c19d7120e94ffcb205' '-F' 'grant_type=authorization_code' '-F' 'redirect_uri=http://www.yoursite.com/' '-F' 'code=AQDp3TtBQQh297S2as5YbDNAU9h3772mvryptCeWWT28z-Xadqq4YfA_YiGXui-cNnLjT7Wg_mrC0OAe0Q5l5x1RvdMarGvFIC1fv7I_kz32oGfKn-R1YlTEyLnPCKksGHeVgw7aJ3iLgXaS8QB9q-WNdG8PiWICz5Icwb4XULBNXs9DONlkIA1i94lNXoKsnkbLL13aMJLGpiiMksitRuZSRblwKrI1dEi7xqeHPcd9VJQ'
This took me about an hour to work out… Similarly, the request for a long-lived token needs to be formatted like this:
curl.exe '-i' '-X' 'GET' 'http://graph.instagram.com/access_token?grant_type=ig_exchange_token&client_secret=eb8c713c492d1f9c19d7120e94ffcb205&access_token=IGQVJYclF4WUllREZABbU9rWm1TS2F0am12cWRUVWxIbURLQXc2eXZAyaTVmNnU5a0ZAFTlU4bkFCOG5sd0JwWFMwZA0VYR0ZAFcnVBZAzZAoVFFwdVN5bmVaWmNGQm42X3VvSEJNc0ZAfWG1zbjB3OThFbm9SNk1wZAHZArOVJVQnQw'
Once you’ve got the access token then you’re off and running. I was using PHP to call the Instagram data from Opencart, so I created a custom module, stored the access token as an Opencart setting and included this code to call Instagram (in a model file, called by the module controller):
public function getInstagramContents() { $fields = "media_type,media_url,permalink,thumbnail_url";//call the fields you want $token = $this->config->get('instagram_access_token');//get the stored token $limit = 4;//get the four most recent posts $json_feed_url="http://graph.instagram.com/me/media?fields={$fields}&access_token={$token}&limit={$limit}"; $json_feed = @file_get_contents($json_feed_url); $contents = json_decode($json_feed, true, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING); return $contents; }
If you’ve got this far you’re probably OK with the restof it, but if the rest of the Opencart stuff is useful let me know in the contents below.
Tags: instagram, opencart, powershell